Friday, March 21, 2008

Random Thoughts

I made my first Angel Food Cake from scratch today. So much fun! But word to the wise -- invest in a real live Angel Food Cake Pan, with the removable bottom. Because the festive cut-out Bundt pan I used was a recipe for Trifle. Yummy, though.

I am so fracking sick of snow I could scream. For hours.

Can someone PLEASE tell me why people waste valuable life force on bitterness???

Tie-dyed Easter eggs rock the shizamm!!

Some day, I'd like to have a dinner party catered by Michael Ruhlman.

Got three more hits on "bifurcated uvula" today! I swear, I'm going to put out a general call for comments from lurkers who hit on that term, just to see if they're all med students or something... ;)

Have a blessed and most happy Easter, my friends.


winter said...

I don't know from bitterness. But I dig the bifurcated uvulas.


Mike Carter said...

Bifurcated Uvula!

Bifurcated Uvula!

Bifurcated Uvula!

Just to try and help out a bit!

Mississippi Songbird said...

I love angelfood cake.. it's so good.. and when they are made from scrath..oooohhhh yummy!
I hope you had a nice Easter Holiday weekend..

Mkae said...

bifurcated uvula is clearly a flavor of Jones Soda.

Geez. Noobs.

rebecca said...

angel food cake is my favorite since i was a kid.

i'm bitter that i can't have any.