Thursday, February 12, 2009

The importance of the mute button.

So, every Thursday night, I have a conference call from 8 - 10:00pm for work. We typically have about a dozen high-level researchers on the line.

Tonight, we were having a presentation by one of the groups via webinar, and the discussion was very serious. During the course of the discussion, I slowly became aware of a female voice in the background, moaning. Sexually. The volume of this moaning gradually increased, with interjections of "Oh, god; that's so great! I love you!" The conversation on the conference call became stilted, as she continued to carry on.

I couldn't take it. I finally said, "Wow, it sounds like we have a bit of cross-talk on the line."

The female voice said, "You're not on mute????".

Then there was silence.

I'm dying to ask. I really am.

1 comment:

Ellie Creek Ellis said...


Thanks for that laugh!