First, thank you for your good wishes yesterday. Update: my father-in-law came through surgery with flying colors. Around 4:00 this afternoon, he asked me to go get him a cheeseburger. :) Grandma is hanging on; I still don't expect this to be a long journey for her -- she's not able to eat -- but I'm hopeful that it's a peaceful one. We got my MIL to go and get a haircut and a short massage this afternoon.
I'm not sure if any of you not in the Eastern Time zone had an opportunity to watch the roll call vote for the Democratic nomination. The excitment of witnessing each of the states cast their votes for their nominee was electrifying. But watching the state representatives defer to each other, and finally, seeing Hillary Clinton call to suspend the rules of the convention and nominate Barack Obama by acclamation may have been the most powerful moment I've ever experienced in American politics. I don't care if it *was* staged. It was remarkable.
I also have to say that, despite the fact that our "historic moment" is about breaking the race barrier in the race for the presidency, I think this convention has been a story about women. Between Hillary Clinton's truly powerful orations last night and tonight, watching a woman preside over the convention in the person of Nancy Pelosi, and seeing the sheer number of women standing on that convention floor, representing their states, it's clear that this convention is just as much about women truly coming into their own in the determination of our leadership in this country.
It makes me proud and hopeful.
It's a very exciting time.
I'm proud, too.
amen!!! time to be prouder americans. ;-)
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