Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cat's Got Me Tongue

I have this enormous, looming deadline on a grant, upon which my job will probably depend for...oh...I, the next five years or so.

So what am I doing? Staring. Staring at a blank computer screen. I was up until 4 am fixing the clearly illiterate mess that one of my partners-in-crime had created. That was easy.

This? Not so much.

I know what I want to say. I have all the data. I have a fire in my belly to do it right.

And the Words. Just. Won't. Come.

Arrrrrgh. And I'm not just saying that because it's Talk Like Pirate Day


ptooey said...

The solution seems obvious - write the proposal in piratespeak.


winter said...

Damn writer's block.

Try this - write just to the left of what you want to say. Or the right, or north, or down, or whatever. Write around what you want to write about, so you're coming at your project out of the corner of your eye.

It'll get you started, and then you can edit yourself back over to where you need to be.

Mermaid Melanie said...

Did you just start writing like Dr. Suess or something? Just so you could get the writer juices flowing?

I hope this turns a corner for you soon. I hate to think of a sister pirate having to walk the plank, into the cold dark dank!

good luck dear one. :Hug: