Hey, I'm not dead. (Ha! I am reminded that every time my daughter falls down or otherwise makes a loud calamitous noise where I cannot see her, she immediately yells "I'm Okay!". The child has a future in comedy, for certain.)
No; it's just the end of a grant cycle, the end of my fiscal year, and the end of the semester, all at once. And I had two weeks of business travel. And I hear there's a holiday coming up.
I have stuff to write about. Good stuff. Important stuff. And someday soon, I will write it all.
Today is not that day, however.
Lovin's to all three of you.
You're only mostly dead, right?
We know you're okay, Beanie, we would have heard if it were otherwise. ;)
Smooches and big hugs to you and yours.
What NWG said.
But when, Bean? WHEN?
(ooh, my alphabet soup says psoph. pissoff)
looking forward to your writings...
twoqui (n) - a state of tension between adrenal overdrive and utter collapse.
You're not that good. Good enough for the intranet tho. LOL
I never said I was good. I only said that I had stuff to write about.
I've been dead since Nov. Felling better now. :)
By the way, my Word Verification was "Wersh". Please use it in a sentence today.
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